Celebrities who fell in love with yoga

These stars don´t dispense this exercise

More trendy than ever, yoga has been gaining more and more adepts – and celebrities are no exception. There are a thousand variations, from the most radical, to super disciplined people, to the most deprived, for those who only want a Zen exercise.

Whichever the modality practiced, the benefits of yoga are undeniable to all.

This exercise can improve health and humor, as well as reduce stress and burn fat. It is seen as a kind of “Holy Grail” by some people. In the celebrities world, there are a lot of actors, singers e etc who are adepts of this exercise and don´t have problems to show it. Come on and let´s see!

These celebrities fell in love with yoga.


Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Rachel of Friends says there is no magic formula for good form. Jennifer takes good care of herself, from eating to exercising. For more than 15 years the actress has been training with instructor Mandy Ingber.

“When I started practicing yoga with Mandy, I noticed that my legs were thinner. My arms grew stronger and I noticed that I grew stronger inside,” Aniston said. For her, this exercise helps herself for everything .

Halle Berry

It’s hard to believe this actress is 52 years old.

However, it’s no secret that Halle Berry is a fitness and yoga enthusiast – the actress has already said this exercise helps her mentally.


Matthew McConaughey

The talented actor has been seen several times practicing yoga on the beach. The meditation and daily practice  are responsible for your body and state of mind.

Despite their well-rounded routines, these celebrities are able to fit the practice of Yoga into their day-to-day life, which helps keep your body and mind healthy! What keeps you from doing the same? See our post “Yoga: the best way to start your day“.



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