Exercises according to your personality

Choose yours now!

exercises for every personality

Choosing exercises according to your personality is a great way to ensure regular physical exercise. No matter what age you are, it’s been proven that regular exercise is one of the key factors contributing to a healthier life.

With it, you’ll leave the stress and the sedentarism behind and gain quality of life and well-being, while possibly avoiding future diseases. The only problem, however, is that we often end up not choosing the most appropriate exercise modality with our personality and therefore we lose motivation.

In fact, if you want to achieve any results, it’s critical that you choose exercises according to your personality. For, in this way, it becomes easier and more pleasurable to maintain the regularity of the activity and thus, you will be also able to obtain the beneficial effects in your body.

The good news is that there are many options today. Physical exercises can be high or low impact, small or long lasting, high or low intensity, individual or collective, indoor or outdoor. It´s essential that you find yours!


Exercises according to your personality: let’s go through 3 personality types and the exercises to suit them.


Active (energy and competitive)

Those who fit into the active type prefer more dynamic activities that require a lot of energy and greater challenges. They don´t pursue soft or monotonous modalities. Avoid traditional yoga or even localized gymnastics.  The main objective is to practice an activity that doesn´t fall into the routine so that you’llremain firm and strong in your objectives.

Instead, practice modalities such as functional gymnastics, CrossFit, team sports, power-yoga, downhill, fights, trekking, Zumba.


Thoughtful (shy and introverted)

This group includes quiet people who, generally, seek to conquer new skills with perfection. They prefer modalities in which more detailed movements are taught. They seek more introspective activities that can be practiced alone and require more concentration.

The best suggestions for this type of personality are running, yoga, tai chi chuan, stretching, bodybuilding, among others.

Interactive (communicative)

People of this type of personality seek to relate and interact with other people. They identify with collective activities that provide more contact with other practitioners but are modalities in which there is a possibility of greater interaction, as well as occurring in a more welcoming environment.

The most indicated physical activities for this personality are bodybuilding, water aerobics, dance, walking, yoga, among others.


Like the post? Did you see the importance of practicing physical activity according to your personality? Continue with your visit on our blog and read another post: Fitness Trends for 2019.

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