Love Calculator: how this quizz changed the Lives of these Celebrity Couples

Would you try it?

love calculator

Test your compatibility using the Love Calculator. – Sounds ridiculous, right?

While the most skeptical wouldn’t dare to put their romantic fait on something like a Love Calculator, some believers have actually gotten lucky. Whether its a calculator, a tarot reading, or an horoscope prediction, could people really find their soulmates by trusting in the unknown?

We certainly think so.

What is a love calculator?

The love calculator stands on one fundamental principle: names have meanings. Knowing that no names are randomly chosen, experts attribute certain meanings to them. These can be theoretical, or they can reveal real personality traits. ,

Hence by comparing the names of two people, the calculator is able to determine the compatibility between them. That is to say, by profiling both names the calculator can measure how likely the two people are at achieving a lasting relationship.

Has it actually worked for someone?

Definitely yes! We are not saying that these are perfect written-in-the-stars relationships, but they have what it takes work. All relationships take hard work, so they can only work if you truly love the other person. And if you believe on the chance in a future together.

So, maybe the love calculator can push a little on this last part. None of us are the same and sometimes it’s hard to put ourselves on our partners’ shoes. So, would it be easy to have some piece of mind? Wouldn’t you feel more relaxed if you knew that your personalities are compatible?

We’ve compiled an A-list of celebrities that have tried the calculator. Coincidences? Do you think the calculator got it right?


1. Prince Harry + Meghan Markle = 87%

Prince Harry+Meghan Markle



2. Chrissy Teigan + John Legend = 29%

Chrissy Teigan & John Legend



3. Angelina Jolie + Brad Pitt = 59%




4. Kim Kardashian + Kanye West = 60%

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West



5. Beyoncé Knowles + Jay Z = 76%

Beyonce & Jay Z

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